Aces Spades Cheats - Android

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 All cheats for this game by platform: Android

Avalanche (2,000 XP) - Win a multiplayer game by 200 points.
Card Sharp (2,500 XP) - Win 5 multiplayer games.
Change of Plans (500 XP) - Break Spades.
Dark Horse (10,000 XP) - Get all Achievements.
Devil's Advocate (1,000 XP) - Win a game with Donovan as your partner.
Endurance Test (3,000 XP) - Score 2,000 points in a single game.
Full Steam (2,000 XP) - Play for 2 hours.
Galvanic User System (2,000 XP) - Beat G.U.S. on very hard.
Hospitable Host (2,000 XP) - Play multiplayer games with 5 different invited friends.
Hot Streak (3,000 XP) - Win 3 multiplayer games in a row.
Johnny from Georgia (2,000 XP) - Beat Donovan on very hard.
Jump the Gun (1,000 XP) - Break Spades before the third trick.
Keep Chuggin'! (500 XP) - Play the game continuously for 30 minutes.
No Baggage (5,000 XP) - Win a game without making any bags.
Not So Tricky (5,000 XP) - Win 3 Nil bids in a row.
Peek-a-Boo (2,500 XP) - Win a Blind Nil bid.
Precision Bidder (7,500 XP) - Win a game with exactly enough points.
Really Lucky... (2,000 XP) - Win 5 games in a row.
Risky Business (7,500 XP) - Win a Blind Nil bid on solo.
So Ya Got Lucky... (1,000 XP) - Win a game.
Steampunk (5,000 XP) - Play for 5 hours.
Twitterpated (500 XP) - Follow us on Twitter.
Underdog (2,000 XP) - Win a game after going negative.
You Like This (500 XP) - Like us on Facebook.
Zero Sum Game (1,500 XP) - Win a Nil bid.
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