The Incredible Machine Cheats - 3DO

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Game bug
Although the goals of some puzzles are accomplished, the game will not proceed to the puzzle completed screen. An example of this bug may be found in Level 43: Mouse Dance, Level 71: Double Trouble, and Level 73: Eightball In The Side Pocket

Most of The Incredible Machine's puzzles can be solved in several different ways. At times, there may be references to a size "x" trampoline or conveyor belt. Size 1 refers to the smallest (or shortest) of these objects, size 2 indicates that the object should be one step larger, and so forth up to the maximum size (size 4 for an incline, size 5 for a conveyor belt).

Level 1: Mirror Images
Build a machine on the right that's a mirror image of the left. Be sure you reverse the position of the mouse motor or the bowling ball will fly off to the right.

Level 2: The Happy Hoopster
This puzzle provides introductory practice to using mouse motors and belts. The far left bowling ball should land on a mouse motor connected to the first conveyor belt. Each successive ball should travel right bumping into another mouse motor connected to the next higher conveyor belt. When the basketball takes its turn on its conveyor belt, it will fall directly into the hoop.

Level 3: Bellows And Balloons
Practice with bellows. Blow the top balloon into the rotating gear. Blow the bottom balloon into the scissors.

Level 4: Whackrobatics
Practice with seesaws. Position a seesaw under each cannonball so that each flipped cannonball will flip the next, and the next, and the...

Level 5: Punch Out
Practice with boxing gloves and seesaws. Place a seesaw under each cannon-ball, a boxing glove to the left of the second bowling ball, and a boxing glove to the right of the baseball. The top bowling ball will flip up the top cannonball, which will engage the second boxing glove, projecting the second bowling ball onto the second seesaw, flipping the second cannonball into the lower channel so that its collision with the bottom boxing glove will send the baseball home.

Level 6: Trampoline Machine
Practice with trampolines. Here, it's important to realize that the lower the trampoline, the more bounce (and height) you'll get out of the basketball. So place 2 trampolines to the right of the first (and at the same level) and place your last trampoline a few spaces to the left of Mort's cage. Make sure the basketball falls squarely on each trampoline.

Level 7: Jack Attack
Practice with Jack-in-the-boxes. Connect the top mouse motor to the middle jack-in-the-box. When the cannonball gets flipped into the air, have it hit another mouse motor connected to the jack-in-the-box under Bob the Fish.

Level 8: Tilting At Windmills
Practice with Windmills. Place a windmill to the right of the top bellows, then connect it to the top conveyor belt (you'll need to reverse the windmill in order to move the conveyor belt to the left). The baseball will travel left and fall through the gap where you should have it land on another set of bellows blowing another windmill connected to the second conveyor belt. This time, the tennis ball will move right where it should fall through the hole and land on another set of bellows blowing the bottom windmill connected to the gear. Bye Bye Balloon!

Level 9: The Big Bucket Bail Out
Practice with scissors. Have the cannonball fall onto a pair of scissors that you position on the first rope to the left. The baseball on the right should fall onto the trampoline positioned immediately beneath it so that it bounces up and collides with the scissors on the right.

Level 10: Tricky Triggers
Practice with guns. Tie a rope from the left side of the seesaw to the pulley below and then to the bottom gun. Place a pail under the pulley on the left and tie a rope from the pail to the pulley to a gun that you position to the right of the pulley.

Level 11: Like A Hurricane
Practice with switches and fans. Place a trampoline under the right switch and a fan to its immediate left. The baseball will fall on the trampoline and bounce back up, flipping the switch, turning on the fan, which will blow the balloon to the left so that it turns on the middle fan. Finally, position a fan immediately to the right of the lower left switch.

Level 12: Generators And Motors
Position a windmill to the left of the fan and connect it to the top generator. Position an electric motor next to this outlet and connect it to the conveyor belt (if necessary, reverse the motor so that its belt connector is on the right; otherwise, the conveyor belt will turn in the wrong direction). The basketball should roll right, onto the mouse motor which you should connect to another generator to the left of the tennis ball. Finally, place a fan to the right of the generator and the left of the tennis ball. The fan should blow the tennis ball into the pipe hole.

Level 13: Putting The Gears In Motion
Practice with gears and solar panels. Position a motor to the right of the top solar panel (you'll need to reverse it) and connect it to the top conveyor belt. The cannonball should roll right, fall through the gap, and onto a flashlight which you should aim at the middle solar panel. Position a fan under this middle outlet so that it blows the windmill which you should connect to the bottom conveyor belt. Tie a rope from the pail to the lower light bulb so that when the pail falls it will turn on the light, powering the bottom outlet, and turning on the electric motor. Lastly, of course, connect this motor to the gears.

Level 14: Short Fuse
Practice with cannons and fuses. Follow the example with the first cannon and place a magnifying glass and flashlight to the right of the middle cannon (you'll need to reverse the magnifying glass), and another flashlight and magnifying glass to the left of the bottom cannon.

Level 15: The Kaboom Room
Practice with dynamite. Tie a rope from the pail to the light bulb. Position your dynamite to the right of the light bulb and magnifying glass and below and to the left of the basketball (be sure its fuse is on the left!). Arrange for the flying basketball to turn on a flashlight/magnifying glass combination which you should position to the right of the bottom cannon (this magnifying glass will need to be reversed).

Level 16: Blastoff
Practice with rockets. Have the bowling ball hit a flashlight to the left of the second rocket so that it lights its fuse (with the help of a magnifying glass, of course). Place the lowered end of a seesaw above this second rocket and tie a rope from this end of the seesaw to a light bulb (which you position to the left of the candle) via a pulley below the light bulb. The light from the bulb should shine through a magnifying glass and light your way free of this level.

Level 17: Blaster Disaster
Practice with dynamite plungers. Place the upper end of a seesaw under the falling bowling ball and tie a rope from the lower end to a pulley to the right of the gun, then to the gun's trigger. Place a stick of dynamite on each of the 3 brick shelves on the left of the screen. (The stick of dynamite on the top shelf will need to be as far left as possible.)

Level 18: Mort Vs. The Paws Of Pokey
Practice with cats and mice. Position a trampoline under the bowling ball so that it bounces up and smashes Bob's bowl. Place a conveyor belt under Mort and connect it to the mouse motor. Finally, place a Pokey the Cat on the bottom brick level (facing right), far enough left that he'll chase Mort into his hole without eating him.

Level 19: Monkey Business
Practice with monkeys and bicycles. A piece of cake: Tie a rope from the cage to the left monkey's shade.

Level 20: Bridging The Gap
Practice with inclines. Reduce the size of your incline to a size 2 so that it fills in the middle gap. Place a seesaw in the far left gap with its left end down and right end up (the left end of this seesaw should be level with the wooden track). Tie a rope from its left end through both pulleys to the left end of the middle seesaw.

Level 21: Climbing A Hill
Fill each gap with a connected mouse motor and size 1 conveyor belt. Then say "So Long" to Pokey.

Level 22: Peddle Poppers
Properly connect all of your gears. Tie the left end of the upper seesaw to the top monkey's shade. Connect the two free gears under this monkey with a belt. Place a gear immediately to the left of the lower-most gear so that they're properly meshed. Connect this newly added gear to the conveyor belt and the mouse motor to the gear at the top of the screen. Finally, connect the bottom monkey to the gear immediately under the mouse motor.

Level 23: There's No Place Like Home
Use a seesaw as a ramp in the pit to the right of the top seesaw. The bottom of the seesaw should be just above the bottom of the pit. Tie a rope to the left side of the top seesaw to the left side of the seesaw that is over the alligator. Place the last seesaw in the gap in the girders that is just below the pit.

Level 24: Trick Shooting
Position a gun above and to the right of the top seesaw and tie it to the left end of the seesaw. This gun's bullet should hit the top baseball sending it into the container on the right. (Don't hit it too squarely or it will bounce off the right wall and away from the container.) Place a gun below and to the right of this same seesaw and tie it to the lower end of the top seesaw. This gun should take care of the middle baseball. Finally, place a gun above and to the right of the bottom seesaw and tie it to the upper end of the bottom seesaw. Have its bullet take out the bottom baseball.

Level 25: Balloon Shredder
Simply tie balloons 2 and 4 together the same way that balloons 1 and 3 are tied. Stringing the rope around the bottom of pulley 2 and the top of pulley 4 will create a sort of counterweight so that balloon 2 will pull on 4 and vice versa preventing either from floating too high.

Level 26: Pop Two Balloons
The trick here is to drag the right most balloon to the middle of the screen. Place a pulley above and to the right of the bottom left brick, roughly level with the bottoms of the balloons. Position a balloon to the far left of the screen at the same level as the other balloons and tie it to the balloon on the far right via the pulley. The left-most balloon will rise and drag the right-most balloon toward the gear, then will swing right, engaging the mouse motor.

Level 27: Bouncing Balloon
Place a seesaw beneath the tennis ball. Place a pulley between the seesaw and the light bulb. Attach a rope between the light bulb, pulley, and the left side of the seesaw. Place the conveyor belt between the light bulb and the solar panel. Place the candle on the conveyor. Place the magnifying glass between the magnifying glass and the candle. Place the motor below the solar panel and reverse its orientation. Use the belt to connect the conveyor belt to the motor.

Level 28: Horror Flick
Place a seesaw to the left of the platform with the Mels, to allow one Mel to cross to the left before flipping the rest of them to the right. Place a pulley below the middle seesaw. Attach a rope to the top dynamite plunger, pulley, and the right side of the middle seesaw. Place some dynamite to the right of the partition that is to the right of the middle seesaw.

Level 29: Dropping The Ball
The gun is what will send the bowling ball into the cave. Timing is what will ensure that the pails are not in the way. Position the gun between the two pails and aim it right at the bowling ball. We'll need the use of a cannonball, so tie the lower end of the seesaw to a pulley at the bottom of the screen to a light bulb which you position to the right of the cannon. Use a magnifying glass to light the fuse. To get the cannonball to fall into the right-most pail, place a mouse motor just above the gun. To fire the gun, place a seesaw below and to the right of the first seesaw, and tie a rope from its lower-left end via a pulley to the gun. Finally, place a size 1 conveyor belt just above the lower-left end of the top seesaw and another one between the two seesaws to create a "step" that will slow down the bowling ball's progress. The bowling ball will then hit the top seesaw (turning on the light and setting off the cannon), bounce off the conveyor belt, roll off the right end of the top seesaw onto the conveyor belt step (slowing it down while the cannonball gets the pail out of the way), and fall onto the upper-right end of the lower seesaw, firing the gun.

Level 30: New Tennis
Place the cannon ball above the right bucket in a position where it knocks the tennis ball to the right when it falls. Resize a conveyor belt and use it to fill the gap in the girders on the bottom right. Resize and use the other conveyor belt to fill the gap between the target bucket and the girder. Use two gears to fill the gap in the in the middle.

Level 31: Balloons On The Moon
Plan on popping the first balloon with the left-most gear, the second balloon with the scissors, and the third balloon with the gun. To take care of the first balloon, use an incline to get it onto the trampoline, and another incline above and to the left of the upper-left gear to send the balloon to its doom. Position a gun to the right of the seesaw aimed at where the balloon will be when it falls on the seesaw. Tie a rope from the lower-left end of the seesaw to the pulley in the lower-right corner, and then to the gun. The third balloon will commit suicide by teetering the teeter-totter which will fire the gun at it. The second balloon will bounce off the seesaw where it will then find its point in life...and death.

Level 32: When Push Comes To Shove
Use an incline to fill the gap between the first two platforms. Use a girder to fill the gap between the next two platforms. Place two trampolines in the pits formed by the bricks. Adjust their position to bounce the balls off the screen.

Level 33: Pokey Cleans Up
Place the glove below the incline so it is sprung by the balloon and punches the bowling ball. Place the dynamite on the platform below the stationary dynamite. Place the bellows above the gap along the bottom so it faces the mouse, in a position that will catch Pokey.

Level 34: Cat Boxing
Place the boxing glove in front of Pokey. Place the gun below the seesaw and aim it at the glove. Attach the gun to the seesaw with the rope. Place the jack in the box below the right bucket. Use the belt to connect the monkey to the jack in the box.

Level 35: A Baseball In Every Pot
All you need are the 6 seesaws. Position 3 seesaws so that their lower-left ends are immediately under the 3 baseballs on the left. Position the other 3 seesaws so that their lower-right ends are immediately under the 3 baseballs on the right (you'll have to reverse them first, then position them under the baseballs). Then watch the bowling ball do its thing.

Level 36: A Better Mouse Trap
Place the magnifying glass next to the cannon. Place the light bulb behind the magnifying glass. Connect the light bulb to the right side of the seesaw with a rope. Place a pulley below the light bulb. Connect the light bulb through the pulley to the right side of the seesaw. Extend an incline and position it under the bowling ball to have it roll to the small platform and then on to the right balloon. Place the scissors underneath the right balloon in a position in which it will cut the rope when hit by the bowling ball. Place the mouse motor above the jack in the box under the chute formed by the girders. Connect the jack in the box to the mouse motor with the belt. Attach the bucket to the left side of Pokey's seesaw.

Level 37: Just One Cup
Place a gear below the short section of pipe to bounce the right balloon to start the left mouse motor. Connect a gear to the permanent gear next to the conveyor belt.. Use a belt to connect the left mouse motor to the permanent gear. Use a belt to connect the other gear to the conveyor belt. Extend a conveyor belt and place it below the candle. Make sure there is a moderately sized gap between conveyor belt and the pipe that is holding the tea pot. Connect this conveyor belt to the right mouse motor. Place the flashlight below the baseball. Place the magnifying glass between the flashlight and the candle. Place the seesaw below and to the left of the cheese. This will deflect the mouse from the top left to hit the right mouse motor.

Level 38: The Schlemmings Step Out
Cover the gap to the left of the Mels with a mouse motor. Place the other mouse motor in the pit in the top center of the screen, allowing the Mels to step onto the motor. Fill the remaining gap between the motor and the opposite side with a brick platform. Place the two gears next to each other above the inclined girder. Use a belt to connect the conveyor belt to one of the gears. Use another belt to connect the other gear with the mouse motor in the pit. Place the magnifying glass to the just left of the rocket, underneath the top brick platform. Place the light bulb to the left of the magnifying glass. Tie a rope between the light bulb and the bucket.

Level 39: Weighing The Situation
All that's needed is to set up the pails as counterweights and time everything just right. First, tie pail 1 to pail 2 via the 2 pulleys above them. Then do the same with pails 3 and 4. Place one tennis ball high above pail 1 and another immediately above pail 2. Place the third tennis ball above pail 4 and the cannonball on the upper-right-most incline. When the tennis ball falls into pail 2, it will start falling and pail 1 will start rising. The tennis ball falling into pail 1 from high above should stop this motion when there's enough room under pails 1 and 2 for the baseball to roll underneath. The tennis ball falling into pail 4 will raise pail 3. And if the timing is just right, the cannonball will fall into pail 3, raising pail 4 when the baseball is between them.

Level 40: Clobber The Kitty
Scroll down and to the right. Place the magnifying glass to the right of the rocket. Place the light bulb to the right of the magnifying glass. Tie a rope from the light bulb through the pulley to the left side of the seesaw. Scroll up. Use the belt to attach the mouse motor to the jack in the box. Place the seesaw above the jack in the box, with the lower side over the box. Scroll left and aim the gun at Pokey. Tie a rope between the gun, the pulley to the right of the gun, and the right side of the seesaw.,

Level 41: Loony Balloony
With the help of conveyor belts and an incline, we should be able to coax the first balloon to collide with the gears on the right. First, place a seesaw near the bottom right corner of the screen, and Kelly the Monkey to the right of the gears. Tie the lower-right end of the top seesaw to the lower-right end of the bottom seesaw, and tie the upper-left end of the bottom seesaw to the monkey's shade. Connect the monkey to the right-most gear. Place two size 4 conveyor belts immediately below the pipe (the left balloon has to float up and stop under the left end of the left conveyor belt). Connect the left conveyor belt to the gear at the bottom and the right conveyor belt to the middle of the top three gears. Place a size 1 incline (pointing down and to right) against the right edge of the right conveyor belt. Finally, place an incline under the bowling ball. The idea is that the bowling ball will hit Pokey, who will set off the seesaws and get the monkey to pedal. The left-most balloon will rise and rest just underneath the left-most conveyor belt until the rotating gears drive the conveyor belts and start this balloon moving to the right. It should eventually bounce off the incline and down to its destruction. Of course, the balloon on the right never has a chance.

Level 42: Cannon Ball Chaos
Place dynamite over each of the short vertical girders on the ramp. Place the flashlight below the baseball. Place the magnifying glass between the flashlight and the rocket. Place the seesaw over the rocket. Make sure the lower side of the seesaw is over the rocket. Place a pulley below and to the right of the gun. Tie a rope to the left side of the seesaw, through the pulley, and to the gun.

Level 43: Mouse Dance
Place and extend inclines below the four mice visible on the screen. Although this completes the goal of the puzzle, the game will not state that it has been completed.

Level 44: Balloon Buster's Baffle
Tie a rope to the balloon, through both pulleys at the bottom, and to the cage. Place the dynamite between the cage and the existing dynamite. Place the mouse motor at the bottom of the incline. Extend and place the conveyor belt to between the mouse motor and the chute formed by the pipes on the left side of the screen. Orient the mouse motor so the conveyor feeds towards the chute. Use the belt to connect the mouse motor to the conveyor belt. Place the seesaw at the bottom of the chute, with the upper arm under the chute. Tie a rope to the left side of the seesaw and the dynamite plunger. Place the scissors under the balloon. Position the scissors so that the blades are clear of the rope that is tied to the balloon.

Level 45: Bumper Stumper
This level must be completed through trial and error. Place bumpers in the path of the cannon ball, adjusting each trajectory to bring the ball closer to the opening.

Level 46: Quadruple Dribble
A size 4 conveyor belt will move the balls in the right direction. Position it several spaces below the right two basketballs. Position an incline under the lower-most ball so that it, too, will roll onto the conveyor belt. Place the mouse motor just above the lower-most ball so that the top ball hits it and bounces off to the right. Connect the mouse motor to the conveyor belt and the rest is history. (If necessary, you can place the seesaw above and to the left of the wooden container to prevent any of the basketballs from bouncing out.)

Level 47: A Christmas Present
Place the mouse motor under the bottom tennis ball. Extend and place the conveyor belt under the upper tennis ball. Use a belt to connect the mouse motor to the conveyor belt. Orient the mouse motor so the conveyor belt feeds to the left. Place the incline above and to the left of the Christmas tree in a position where it will be hit by the launched tennis ball. Adjust the position of the incline to bounce the tennis ball until it falls through the gap to the right of the Christmas tree.

Level 48: All Steamed Up
Scroll to the right. Place the magnifying glass between the candle and the flashlight. Scroll down. Place the mouse motor above the conveyor belt. Use a belt to connect the mouse motor to the conveyor belt. Orient the mouse motor so the conveyor belt feeds to the right. Scroll up. Place the generator below the windmill. Connect the generator to the windmill with a belt. Plug the electric motor in to the left of the generator. Connect the nearby conveyor belt to the electric motor.

Level 49: Eight Ball In The Bowl
Place the seesaw to the left of Mel. Place the alligator to the left of the seesaw. Place the glove between the alligator and the eight ball. The most difficult part of the puzzle involves the placement of inclines to guide the eight ball to the fishbowl. Place a size 1 incline adjacent to the left side of the square pipes in the center of the screen. Orient the incline so it sends the eight ball downwards. Place another size 1 incline directly below the first incline. Orient it so it sends the eight ball towards the left side of the screen, towards the permanent incline below the fishbowl. Place a size 3 incline just to the right of the permanent incline below the fishbowl. The top of the permanent incline should be even with the bottom of the size 3 incline.

Level 50: Infiltration
Place Pokey in the left bucket. Place the jack in the box under the left side of the seesaw. Use a belt to connect the mouse motor to the jack in the box. Place a pulley in the lower left portion of the castle. Aim the gun to the right and position it to shoot the dynamite in the top right corner of the house. Tie a rope to the left side of the seesaw, through the pulley, and to the gun. Place the dynamite on all the ledges inside the house. Stack the leftover dynamite on the ledge behind the wall in back of the gun.

Level 51: Five Gun Salute
The trickiest part of this machine is the correct alignment of the four seesaws. First, set some balloons free by having the baseball (on the screen) hit a pair of scissors (cutting the rope under the fourth balloon), bouncing off to the right, and hitting another pair of scissors (cutting the rope under the fifth balloon). Use the baseball and third pair of scissors to set the second balloon free. Now the seesaws: The first balloon should hit the lower-right end of a seesaw whose upper-left end is tied to the left-most gun. The second balloon should hit the lower-right end of a seesaw whose upper-left end is tied to the gun just below the latter gun. The fourth balloon should hit the lower-left end of a seesaw whose upper-right end is tied to the lower-most gun and whose lower-left end is tied to the upper-most gun via a pulley below and far to the right of this seesaw (got that?). The fifth balloon should hit the lower-left end of a seesaw whose upper-right end is tied to the right-most gun via a pulley on the right edge of the screen. Simple, huh?

Level 52: Mel On The Doorstep Of Doom
Place one of the gears to the left of Mel, to force him to walk to the right. Place a seesaw over the middle alligator, with the left side in the up position. Place and extend the piece of ground over the bottom alligator. Place the bouncing ball over the right side of the permanent seesaw. Place and aim the gun to the right side of the dynamite. Place a pulley below and to the right of the gun. Tie a rope to the right side of the permanent seesaw, the pulley at the top of the screen, the pulley below the permanent gun, the movable pulley, and the gun aimed at the dynamite. Place the other gear to the right of the permanent seesaw to force Mel to walk to the left.

Level 53: A Farewell To Balloons
A traditional Rube Goldberg contraption where the "energy" of the falling ball must be passed on from device to device until the objective is reached. In this case, we'll be moving in a counter-clockwise direction, and ultimately break the balloon with a flaming rocket. Start by placing your fan below and to the right of the switched outlet (the fan will be partially off the screen) where it will blow the tennis ball to the left. The tennis ball should eventually hit and turn on the flashlight. Place a magnifying glass between the flashlight and the candle to light the candle. Position a gear immediately above the gear in the bottom right corner. Connect this gear to the right-most generator, and connect the nearby electric motor to the jack-in-the-box. Connect the upper-left motor to the left-most generator. Connect the right-most of the set of six gears to the bottom-right conveyor belt.

Level 54: Revenge Of The Mouse Muncher
Place the switch in the gap in the wall on the right side of the screen. Rotate the switch so that a falling mouse will turn it on. Place the fan below the switch, so it also is in the gap. The fan should be blowing to the left side of the screen. Resize and place a row of bricks on the gap to the right of the mouse hole (the area with girders on the floor and roof). Resize and place a row of bricks over the gap in front of the middle cat.

Level 55: Pop Goes The Weasel
The motion of the mouse motor is what will turn the jack-in-the-box. Indirectly connect the mouse motor to the jack-in-the-box using 2 pairs of meshed gears. Then arrange for the tennis ball to fall onto a seesaw whose lower-left end is tied to a light bulb (to the left of the tennis ball) via the pulley. The bulb should power a solar panel to the right of a fan that you position to the right of the basketball. The basketball will blow off to the left where you should arrange for it to hit a seesaw whose lower-right end is tied to the lower-right end of the seesaw above the mouse motor.

Level 56: Heart Attack
Scroll down and to the right to find the balloon. Place the gun to the right of the brick platform and aim it at the top of the square section of bricks. Tie a rope to the gun, through the pulley to the left, and above to the left side of the seesaw. Place the jack in the box below the left side of the seesaw. Place two adjacent gears directly above the left side of the seesaw. Use a belt to connect the gears to the jack in the box. Use another belt to connect the gears with the nearby permanent set of gears. Place the mouse motor to the left and slightly above the trampoline. Check the position by watching where the basketball will bounce. Use the last belt to connect the mouse motor to the permanent set of gears.

Level 57: Monkeying Around
Place the dynamite plunger in between the girder and the top of the steel pipes that are above Kelly's head. The dynamite should be placed as far to the right as possible. Place the seesaw under the tennis ball and baseball, with the left side up. Tie the rope between the left side of the seesaw and the dynamite plunger. Place the free bundle of dynamite in the corner where the girder meets the brick wall. The key to the puzzle is getting the baseball to bounce back up and roll down the girder after the wall is destroyed. Adjust the position of the seesaw to get the baseball in this area.

Level 58: Mouse In The House
Keep Mort away from Pokey! Blow Mort left with a fan so that he collides with the right edge of an incline that you position to the left of the upper piping. Place a motor below the upper-right outlet and connect it to a generator positioned below the gear on the screen. Place a fan immediately below this generator to blow Mort into his house.

Level 59: Bomb The Bucket
Place the cannon on the right side of the wall and aim it towards the bucket. Place the magnifying glass to the rear of the cannon. Place the flashlight to the rear of the magnifying glass. Place the baseball over the flashlight. Shoot the cannon and adjust its vertical position so the cannon ball just clears the brick wall. Place a size 1 incline over the conveyor belts. Position the incline so it slants in the "/" direction. Adjust the position of the incline to deflect the cannon ball into the moving bucket.

Level 60: Morning Aerobics
Place a bucket under the mouse motor. Place a pulley in the gap on top of the brick ceiling. Place another pullet directly to the right of the permanent pulley on the right side. Place a bucket under the last pulley that was positioned. Tie a rope from the bucket under the mouse, through the two pulleys, and to the other bucket. Place the baseball over this bucket.

Level 61: Pokey In The Pen
Place a trampoline under the dynamite. Adjust the trampoline's position so that the dynamite bounces to the top and center of the girders over the cage. Place the bucket directly to the left of the vertical girder. Tie a rope to the cage, through the two pulleys at the top of the screen, and to the bucket. Place the other trampoline just to the right of the incline with the cannon ball. Adjust the trampoline's position so the cannon ball bounces slightly before leaving the trampoline. Place the seesaw below and slightly to the right of the trampoline with the cannon ball. Adjust its position so the bowling ball will land on the right seesaw's right arm, which should be in the raised position. Place a pulley to the rear of the gun. Tie a rope to the right side of the seesaw, through the pulley, and to the gun. Place a size one incline on the left side of the bucket to guide the bowling ball into the bucket after it falls off the seesaw. With proper timing, the gun will fire at the dynamite just as it reaches the top of the cage. Then, the weight of the cannon ball in the bucket will lift it off Pokey.

Level 62: Bowling Ball Bungle
More trampoline alignment. Place a size 5 conveyor belt under the bowling ball. Power the conveyor belt with a windmill blown by a set of bellows hit by the falling baseball. Fill the gap in the second level of piping with a trampoline and use one or two other trampolines to bounce the ball into the brick basket.

Level 67: Cage The Kitty
The trick is to control the direction and pace of the cannonball. To do that, we'll place the cannon a little bit above the second vertical brick wall; in this position, the cannonball will hit the brick wall, then bounce off the cannon which will give us a little more control over its movement. A magnifying glass and flashlight should be positioned to the right of the cannon (keep the flashlight as low as possible). Place the scissors to the left of the top of the second vertical brick wall over the rope holding up the pail. The scissors should be pointing left. Place a size 4 incline to Pokey's left. The bowling ball should be positioned so that it first hits the flashlight (turning it on) and then hits Pokey (without first hitting the incline), bounces off the incline, and hits Pokey a second time putting the cat into position under the cage. By this time, the cannonball should be hitting the scissors, cutting the rope, and lowering the cage. If the rope is getting cut too soon, raise the cannon slightly. If necessary, use an incline to deflect the cannonball into the pail and a rocket to limit the pail's movement after it falls.

Level 68: Bob Has A Bad Day
Place the alligator underneath the baseball. Adjust its position so that its tail is below the baseball.

Level 69: Runaway Rodents
Place the dynamite next to the mice. Adjust the position of the plunger to be hit by the cannonball from the conveyor belt. Attach a belt from the conveyor belt below Kelly to the nearest gear. Attach a belt to the middle of the three gears to the conveyor belt with the cat. Attach a belt from the remaining gear from the group of three to Kelly. Attach a belt from the mouse motor to the jack in the box. Place the seesaw between and slightly above the goldfish and the bucket in order to catch the flying cat. Tie a rope from the lower arm of the seesaw through a lower pulley, and to Kelly.

Level 70: Going To The Hole
Roll the top basketball left by placing a seesaw under it. Blow both balls right with a fan next to a switch-operated outlet. The balloon should turn on the switch, activating the outlet.

Level 71: Double Trouble
Place the bellows underneath the bowling ball and facing to the right. Adjust its position so the ball rolls off and bounces on the trampoline. Place a size 5 conveyor between the magnifying glass and the rocket. Place the candle on the conveyor belt next to the magnifying glass. Place the flashlight above the baseball. Use a belt to connect the mouse motor to the conveyor belt. Place a trampoline to the right of the mouse motor to bounce the moving bowling ball on top of the flashlight. The bowling ball should also hit the mouse motor, or push the baseball off the girder. The game will state the puzzle as completed even though Bob was not punched. To also punch Bob and meet the stated goals, place the seesaw in the lower right part of the screen in a position to catch the falling candle. Position the gun to shoot the boxing glove. Tie a rope from the gun, through the pulley, to the seesaw.

Level 72: The Plumber's Nightmare
Plug the generator in to the right of the switch. Adjust its orientation to drive the conveyor belt to the right. Use the belt to connect the generator to the conveyor belt. Place the magnifying glass to the rear of the cannon. Place the flashlight under the baseball. Place the boxing glove facing to the left on the right side of the balloon. Extend both brick floors and stagger them above Mel's house and below the edge of the pipe floor.

Level 73: Eightball In The Side Pocket
Place the candle under the tea pot. Place the magnifying glass to the left of the candle. Place the light bulb to the left of the magnifying glass. Place the seesaw under the cannon ball that is next to the light bulb. Tie a rope from the upper arm of the seesaw to the light bulb. Tie a rope from the left bucket, through the pulley in the corner, through the pulley in the top and middle, and to the bucket on the right. Extend the conveyor belt and place it above the center bumper. Place the electric switch below the same bumper in a position where it will be turned on by the ricocheting eight ball. Place the generator to the left of the same bumper so it is plugged into the electric switch. Use a belt to connect the generator to the conveyor belt. Make sure the cannon ball at the top of the screen is dropped into the nearby bucket. Although this completes the goal of the puzzle, the game will not state that it has been completed.

Level 74: Bonk The Monkey
Extend and place the conveyor belt to the right of the girder on top of the screen. Make sure that the bowling ball is resting on the conveyor belt. Use a belt to connect the conveyor belt to the mouse motor. Place the generator above and to the right of the monkey. Use the belt to connect the generator to the monkey. Plug the fan into the generator and adjust its position to blow the free balloon towards the mouse motor. Place the gun below and to the right of the mouse motor to deflect the blowing balloon into the mouse motor.

Level 75: Vac Attack
Place the trampoline under the falling tennis ball. Place the mouse motor in the gap between the girders in a position where it will be hit by the bouncing tennis ball. Place a vacuum cleaner under the generator. Use the belt to connect the generator to the mouse motor. Place Mel between the trampoline and two stationary tennis balls. Plug the remaining vacuum cleaner under the solar panel. Place the pulley under the light bulb. Place the seesaw under the gap to the right of the two stationary tennis balls. Tie a rope from the seesaw, through the pulley and to the light bulb.

Level 76: Pokey In A Pickle
The positioning of "Pokey lures" is crucial. Place a fishbowl immediately to the right of each of the two gaps in the brick flooring. This will get Pokey to the third level. Place a mouse on the third level to lure Pokey to the right and a fishbowl an inch or so to the right of the third level to get Pokey to walk off the edge. A mouse inside his house is all that will be needed to finally get Pokey home.

Level 77: Ring Of Fire
All you really need to do is light one piece of dynamite. Place a size 4 incline so that its left edge is just under the tennis ball and another incline to the left of the flashlight so that the ball hits the flashlight, turning it on. Position a magnifying glass between the flashlight and the second piece of dynamite from the lower right corner, and the resulting explosion will do the rest.

Level 78: Hole In The Floor
Place the gun facing in a position to shoot the top left baseball. Place a pulley to the rear of the gun. Tie a rope to the right side of the top seesaw, through the pulley, and to the gun. Place the windmill to the right of the fan. Use a belt to connect the windmill to the conveyor belt that is below. Place a pulley above the falling bucket. Place another pulley above the brick floor on top of the right mouse motor. Place a bucket above the mouse motor in a position that will catch the rolling cannon ball. Use a rope to tie both buckets through both pulleys. Use a belt to connect the mouse motor with the conveyor belt that is directly below. Tie a rope to the left side of the bottom seesaw to the light bulb. Place the gear between the two gears in the lower left corner. Use a belt to connect the left mouse motor to the nearest gear. Use a belt to connect the middle gear to the conveyor belt in the lower left corner.

Level 79: Three Point Shot
Place the gun above the seesaw in a position so it fires to the right. Tie a rope to the left side of the seesaw, through the pulley and to the gun. Extend a conveyor belt to maximum size and place it to the right of the mouse motor. The position of the conveyor belt must be precise. Align the circular part of the conveyor so it is directly below the point where gears 4 and 5. Connect the conveyor belt to gear 4. Place the dynamite over the top right corner of the mouse motor. The dynamite must hit the mouse motor before sliding onto the conveyor belt in order to bounce over the center section of bricks before landing in front of the pipe basket. Place a gear just under the basketballs that are over trampolines 5 and 6 to prevent them from bouncing. Place the last gear to the right of the small incline at the top of the screen. Adjust its position so it deflects the bouncing basketball into the basket.

Level 80: Bob At The Fishbowl Basin
Place the glove between the conveyor belt and Bob. Place the seesaw to the left of the basketball. Position it so the lowered right arm is directly underneath the basketball and so it will catch the bouncing Pokey. Stack two gears vertically between trampolines 1 and 2. Stack another pair of gears between trampolines 2 and 3. Use a belt to connect the windmill to the nearest pair of gears. Use a belt to connect each pair of gears. Use a belt to connect the last pair of gears to the middle gear of the set of three.

Level 81: Lower The Bucket
The key is to break the balloon with a lighted candle. Extend the lower brick floor with 3 size 5 conveyor belts to its left. Place a light bulb and magnifying glass to the left of the candle. Position a bowling ball so that it falls onto the top seesaw whose lower end is tied to the light bulb via a pulley (below the level of the light bulb). Place the solar panel below and to the left of the upper most gear so that its far enough right that the outlet is activated by the lighted candle and not by the light bulb. A motor (with its belt connector on the right) above the outlet should be connected to the left of the bottom set of three gears and the upper-left gear should be connected to the conveyor belt under the candle. The candle will then be shot to the right, blowing out the balloon, and lowering the bucket.

Level 82: Ambulance Alert
Place the seesaw in the gap to allow the rolling baseball to continue towards the front of the ambulance. Place the dynamite on the small double girdered area on the "hood" of the ambulance. Place the gun in front of the ambulance in a position where it is aimed at the dynamite. Place the pulley to the rear of the gun. Tie a rope from the gun, through the pulley, to the right side of the seesaw. Place two gears next to each other on the open area in front of Bob. Use a belt to connect the mouse motor to the gears in the middle of the ambulance. Use a belt to connect these gears to the next set of gears to the rear. Use the last belt to connect this last pair of gears to the gear in the rear "wheel".

Level 83: Tennis Menace
Once you realize how to project the tennis ball to the right, the hardest part's behind you. A piece of dynamite above and slightly to the left of the tennis ball will do the trick. Now all that's necessary is to light it. With its fuse hanging over the left edge, we'll be able to transport a flame to it via the rocket. The rocket will do double duty. First, it must hit the scissors, cutting the rope, releasing the pail, and turning on the flashlight which you should place to the right of the magnifying glass, underneath the pail. After the rocket hits the scissors, it should bounce left and land on a launching pad to the left of the magnifying glass made of a horizontal wooden block and two vertical blocks. There, it will be in position to be lighted by the flashlight. The rocket will take off and ignite the dynamite, blowing the ball to the right. Now all that's necessary is to elevate the ball. Place a trampoline to the left of the "net", slightly elevated. Place a seesaw (left-end down) between the tennis ball and trampoline. Tie the upper-right end of the seesaw to a gun placed off to the left to prevent the seesaw from tipping as the ball rolls up.

Level 84: Trick Shot
Place a pulley to the rear of the stationary gun. Tie a rope to the balloon, through the pulley, and to the gun. Tie a rope to the bucket, through the pulley on the right side, and to the dynamite plunger. Place the seesaw in the lower right corner of the screen in a position to hold the bucket steady to catch the basketball.

Level 85: Balloon Exterminator
Connect the gear to the left side of the pair of permanent gears. Place a size 5 conveyor belt to the right of the bucket. Position it so the bucket bounces on top of the conveyor belt when it is hit. Use a belt to connect gear 1 to the conveyor belt. Use a belt to connect the top mouse motor to gear 3. Place the dynamite in the gap in the center of the screen, with the plunger on the left side, and the dynamite as close to the balloon as possible. They dynamite plunger should be directly under the gears. Tie a rope from the bucket, through the pulley, and to the dynamite plunger.

Level 86: You Gotta Smile
Let the tennis ball hit the balloon, bouncing into a switched outlet which starts a motor attached to a gear positioned just below the right eye.

Level 87: Having A Bang Up Time
Place the solar panel to the right of the light bulb. Plug the fan into the solar panel, and turn it to face the basketball. Tie the rope from the light bulb to the bucket. Place the jack in the box under the mouse motor. Place the windmill to the right of the jack in the box. Place a fan between the windmill and the power switch. Use a belt to connect the windmill to the jack in the box. Place the generator next to the mouse motor. Use a belt to connect the mouse motor to the generator. Place the electric motor between the generator and the conveyor belt. Use a belt to connect the electric motor to the conveyor belt. Place a size 1 conveyor belt below the cannon ball. Place the mouse motor just above the brick wall to the right of the cannon ball. Its position is crucial, since it will bounce the basketball into the gap to detonate the dynamite. The bottom of the mouse motor should rest on top of the wall. The left side of the mouse motor should be even with the left side of the wall. Connect this mouse motor to the size 1 conveyor belt.

Level 88: Lunatic's Tea Time
Place the flashlight under the baseball. Place the magnifying glass to the right of the flashlight. Rest the candle on the short pipe to the right of the magnifying glass. Scroll right. Place the size 5 conveyor under the tea pot. Place the windmill to the right of the conveyor belt. Use the belt to connect the windmill to the conveyor belt. Scroll left and down. Place the seesaw next to the stationary bowling ball. Position the right arm of the seesaw under the stationary bowling ball, so that the falling bowling ball will propel it through the air.

Level 89: Ballistic Fishstick
The way to prevent the cannonball from destroying Bob's home is to blow out the bottom right section of wall so that the ball rolls out to the right before it hits the incline to the right of the fishbowl. Place the dynamite on the small brick shelf near the bottom center of the screen with its fuse sticking out to the right. Place a baseball in the gap above the flashlight. Position a magnifying glass to light a candle that you've placed on top of the conveyor belt. Position Kelly the monkey above and to the left of the candle (Kelly should be facing left). Tie the lower-right end of the second seesaw to the monkey's shade via a pulley located below the monkey. Connect Kelly's bicycle to the conveyor belt, and you (and Bob) should be all set.

Level 90: Alligator Country
Place a seesaw in front of Mel, with the left side in the lower position. Place the other seesaw below the electric switch, with the left side in the upper position. Tie a rope from the right side of the upper seesaw to the left side of the lower seesaw. Adjust the position of the seesaws to have the baseball propel Mel to the platform to the left. Place the flashlight above the lower alligator's mouth. The flashlight should be facing Mel's house to allow him to walk over the alligator.

Level 91: The Launching
Use a belt to connect the left mouse motor with the conveyor belt that is holding the bowling ball. Place the magnifying glass to the left of the rocket. Place the light bulb to the left of the magnifying glass. Tie the rope from the left side of the seesaw to the light bulb. Invert the light bulb if necessary.

Level 92: Fetch A Pail
The tough part of this puzzle is getting the right pail on the right side. We'll transport it there using the conveyor belt at the bottom of the screen. First, position a mouse motor on the right side of the screen, along with three vertically meshed gears to its left, and two horizontally meshed gears on the third brick shelf from the bottom right. Connect the mouse motor to the first of the three vertically meshed gears. Connect the third of the three gears to the conveyor belt under the right pail. Connect the second of the three gears to one of the gears on the brick shelf. Connect the last gear to the remaining conveyor belt. Dropping a ball on the mouse motor will send both pails off to the left. The left-most pail should fall to the left of the brick wall and the right-most pail should fall to the right. Place another mouse motor on top of the left side of the second conveyor belt from the bottom and connect it to the bottom conveyor belt. The right-most pail should strike the mouse motor and fall to the activated conveyor belt on the bottom, throwing it right.

Level 93: Bowler's Baffle
Use a belt to connect the mouse motor to the jack in the box. Place the electric switch below the falling mouse. Plug the fan into the left of the electric switch, and face it to the left. Place the windmill to the left of the fan. Use the belt to connect the windmill to the conveyor belt. Orient a size 1 incline in the "/" position and place it to the left of the seesaw. Use the girder to connect the conveyor belt to the incline. Place the dynamite on the brick ledge below the bowling ball. Place the gun to the left of the dynamite. Tie the rope from the left side of the seesaw to the gun.

Level 94: Torpedo Teaser
Place the dynamite plunger below the left falling balling ball to catch it. Place the baseball above the right side of the see saw. Place the magnifying glass to the left of the rocket. Place the light bulb to the left of the magnifying glass. Tie the right side of the seesaw to the light bulb.

Level 95: Chimpercise
The object here is to hit the seesaw tied to Kelly's shade with a rocket. Place a trampoline under the left-most cannonball, and have it bounce into a mouse motor (the mouse should be facing right) connected to a size 2 conveyor belt in the column under the second cannonball. The mouse motor should send this cannonball to the adjacent column to its right where it should land on a trampoline and bounce up and off a seesaw at the top of the column into the next column to the right (tie the lower-left end of this seesaw to the upper-right end of the seesaw below and to the left to prevent it from tipping). The rest is easy: the cannonball should land on a flashlight pointed at a magnifying glass and a rocket positioned on the piece of pipe in the lower right corner.

Level 96: Plunger Power
Tie a rope from the balloon to the left side of the seesaw. Place the magnifying glass to the right of the immobile candle. Place the movable candle between the magnifying glass and the solar panel. Plug the fan into the solar panel by placing it above the electric motor. Place the windmill between the fan and the jack in the box. Use the belt to attach the windmill to the jack in the box.

Level 97: Mort Sport
No hints available.

Level 98: Power Popping
Not as bad as it seems once you realize that conveyor belts should be positioned under the balloons. Place 3 size 5 conveyor belts under the balloons (leave space between the conveyor belts and the balloons) extending off to the left. Position a magnifying glass above the middle of the left-most conveyor belt and a flashlight to its left. Drop a baseball onto the flashlight to light the candle that has fallen onto the left-most conveyor belt. The ball should bounce off the flashlight to the left where it should land onto a trampoline to the left of the left-most conveyor belt, bounce up into the air, and onto a mouse motor sitting atop the two left-most gears (all of this is necessary in order to stall the movement of the conveyor belts while the candle gets lit). Connect the mouse motor (mouse facing right) to the conveyor belt, and watch the pops.

Level 99: Eastern Assault
No hints available.

Level 100: Hot Shot
No hints available.

Level 101: Fishbowl Buster
No hints available.

Level 102: Gear Grinder II
No hints available.

Level 103: Sergeant Mel On The Move
No hints available.

Level 104: Incarcerate The Kitty
No hints available.

Level 105: Teamwork
No hints available.

Level 106: Cage The Critter
This puzzle requires just a little tweaking. Have the tennis ball fall onto a switched outlet which turns on a fan blowing the ball left. Use the boxing glove and seesaw to send the ball onto a trampoline on the floor under the scissors.

Level 107: Wandering Mel
No hints available.

Level 108: Sky Rocket Requiem
No hints available.

Level 109: Red Alert!
A lighted candle is the trick to lighting all of the rockets. And there are plenty of tools to work with. I placed my candle on a size 1 conveyor belt immediately to the left of the lip on the lower brick floor. A bowling ball falling onto a seesaw lights a bulb which lights the candle (via a magnifying glass, of course). A cannonball falls from on high (to give the candle time to light) onto a mouse motor connected to the conveyor belt which sends the lighted candle to the right to create the fireworks.

Level 110: Motion Sickness
No hints available.

Level 111: Set Off Fireworks
Speaking of fireworks, this one's a bit trickier since you have to set off a chain reaction. Place a flashlight under the baseball to light the rocket in the bottom right corner. The rocket should crash into Bob the Fish which will lure the Pokey the Cat onto the level with Mort the Mouse. Mort will run off to the left where he should fall onto a pair of scissors placed so as to cut the rope holding up the pail. Have the pail fall onto the dynamite plunger blasting the tennis ball up into the air (make sure the dynamite is below and ever so slightly to the right of the ball) and onto a trampoline at the bottom of the narrow pipe channel under the switched outlet. The ball should switch on the outlet which should start an electric motor connected to a generator which should power on a fan blowing a windmill connected to the jack-in-the-box. All that's left is to have the cannonball fall onto a flashlight next to the magnifying glass.

Level 112: Alligator Banquet
No hints available.

Level 113: Roundabout
No hints available.

Level 114: Pokey Plays Pinball
No hints available.

Level 115: Bop The Bucket
Which balls to use? How about the bowling ball in the top right, the baseball, and the cannonball in the bottom left. Place a seesaw with its lower-right end under the baseball and another seesaw with its lower-left end under the cannonball in the bottom left. Position a size 1 incline four spaces under the bowling ball and adjacent to the far right wall. The bowling ball will deflect to the left and land on the seesaw, flipping the baseball into the gap between the incline and the short vertical block to the right of where the baseball was. The baseball will roll down the lower channel onto the seesaw where it should flip the cannonball into the channel on the left. There you should use a trampoline at the bottom of the channel and a seesaw with its upper-right end at the top of the channel to direct the cannonball into the boxing glove.

Level 116: Demolition
No hints available.

Level 117: Happy Second Birthday
Have the cannonball fall onto a trampoline and bounce into the upper-right end of a seesaw. This should deflect the ball into a boxing glove to the left of the pail.

Level 118: The Trap
No hints available.

Level 119: Mel And Bob
No hints available.

Level 120: Mouse Muncher
No hints available.

Level 121: Mort Wants Out!
This should be more like "Blow Mort Out of the Box." Place a trampoline under the baseball and a boxing glove above it to deflect it right, onto a dynamite plunger, blowing a hole in the bottom left corner of the box. The ball should then bounce back to the left onto a seesaw whose upper-right end is tied to Kelly the Monkey inside the box. Kelly's pedaling should then drive a conveyor belt placed under Mort at the bottom of the box, sending Mort to the left, down into the hole and oblivion.

Level 122: Bumper Stumper
No hints available.

Level 123: Rodents On The Run
In this puzzle, you not only have to exercise all 4 mice but you must get them running simultaneously. The resulting solution is a relatively symmetrical one: Position a seesaw so that it's centered under the vertical wall separating the two basketballs. This will cause each basketball to perpetually flip the other into the mouse motors in the center. Connect these two mouse motors to size 3 conveyor belts under the tennis balls and send one down the brick chute to the left, and the other down the brick chute to the right. Send each tennis ball down a combination size 4 and size 1 incline so that they land right on top of a trampoline at the bottom of each pipe chute. There, the tennis balls should eventually make there way up to the mouse motors at the far left and right. (Make sure the size 1 inclines are adjacent to the trampolines; this will ensure that one tennis ball doesn't stop bouncing before the other tennis ball has reached its mark.)

Level 124: Lower The... Boom!
Drop the pail into the "hole" at the bottom center of the screen. You only need to use one of the cannons here. Have the baseball fall onto a seesaw whose upper-left end is tied to a light bulb next to the cannon on the right. Use the light bulb with a magnifying glass to ignite this cannon, and position a pair of scissors so that the ejected ball hits the bottom of the scissors, cutting the rope, and releasing the pail. If necessary, line up a couple of pieces of pipe to direct the falling cannonball into the pail.

Level 125: Psycho Hoop
No hints available.

Level 126: Feeding Frenzy
No hints available.

Level 127: Mouse In The Slammer
Cut the rope holding up the cage, blow up the wooden flooring, and you're home free. You can cut the rope by positioning two size 4 inclines end to end to lead the baseball onto a pair of scissors pointing right. A trampoline under the dynamite should bounce and deflect it onto the wooden shelf above Mort. Tie the gun to the upper-left end of the seesaw and aim it at the ultimate destination of the dynamite. All that's left is to delay the bowling ball's arrival onto the seesaw via a couple of size 4 inclines and maybe a mouse motor.

Level 128: Brain Popper
No hints available.

Level 129: Triple Trajectory
Use the baseball and basketball. With the help of a size 4 incline, roll the baseball onto the seesaw whose lower-right end is tied via a pulley to a light bulb/magnifying glass combination in the bottom right to ignite the two rockets there (the space is a little tight). Similarly, position a seesaw under the basketball and tie its lower-right end via a pulley to a light bulb/magnifying glass combination in the bottom left to ignite the rocket there.

Level 130: Shootin' Range Ruckus
Perhaps this puzzle should be more aptly titled "Try Lighting the Flashlight with the Baseball." Actually, this puzzle is not too bad. Have the ball hit the lower-left end of a seesaw onto a mouse motor/conveyor belt combination which should whoosh it off to the left and down. There it should collide with another mouse motor/conveyor belt combo which should whoosh it back to the right. Use another conveyor belt to direct the ball into the wooden channel and onto the flashlight.

Level 131: Fracture The Fishbowl
Chain reaction time again. Have the boxing glove hit a mouse motor connected to the generator which should power an electric motor connected to a the single "free" gear. Deflect the tennis ball with a fan or two so that it falls on top of the flashlight which then shines through a magnifying glass, ignites the dynamite, and does Bob in.

Level 132: Knock It Off
Have the falling baseball drop onto a conveyor belt leading to the baseball on the wooden block. Connect this conveyor belt to the mouse motor. Deflect the floating balloon into the mouse motor with a gear positioned against the bottom right corner of the lower conveyor belt. Baseball in the side pocket...

Level 133: Nailed
No hints available.

Level 134: Ingnite And Take Flight
The puzzle goal says that you should "make the rocket fly off the top of the screen." It doesn't actually say you have to ignite it. Position a seesaw so that the rocket falls on its lower-right end and the cannonball falls on its upper-left end. Flip the rocket onto a trampoline. Up, up, and away!

Level 135: Looney Launch
No hints available.

Level 136: Harpoon The Balloon
No hints available.

Level 137: Mort-Trap
Connect the gear to the conveyor belt under Pokey and mesh this gear with another gear connected to the mouse motor. Have Pokey land on a seesaw tied via the pulley to the gun. Place a stick of dynamite under the cage to blow up the brick and land the cage on Mort. You'll need to position an incline on the lower piping to keep Pokey from eating his dinner too early.

Level 138: Shed A Little Light
The first seesaw's connected to the...first pulley. The second seesaw's connected to the... You got the idea. First, place a mouse motor under bowling ball 2 (have the mouse face left) and connect the motor to a conveyor belt under bowline ball 1. Tie light bulb 1 to pulley 1 (the first of the triplet of pulleys) to the right end of seesaw 1. Tie light bulb 2 to pulley 2 to the right end of seesaw 2. Tie light bulb 3 to pulley 3 to the right end of seesaw 4. Tie light bulb 4 to the pulley in the bottom left corner to the pulley in the top left corner to the left end of seesaw 2.

Level 139: Save The Bob Squad
All you need to do is deflect the left cannonball with a seesaw and cut the rope connected to the light bulb with a baseball/scissors combination. The worst part is waiting for TIM to realize you've solv
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