Killing Time Cheats - 3DO

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Downloadable Killing Time Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat mode
Start a new game. Games in progress cannot use the code. Enter ".EVORGRAH" (including the period) at the player's name screen. Select a difficulty level, highlight "OK" and press [A]. The sound of a harp will confirm correct code entry. Cheat mode will stay active until the 3DO is reset.

Level select
After enabling cheat mode, enter one of the following codes (note that two period characters start each sequence) in the blank name box and press [A]. The game will start in the corresponding room at 50% health, a pistol, and 30 rounds of ammunition.

Assyrian Experience: Go East..W1
Attic Intro: Curse Of Matinicus..A4
Attic Memories: Short But Sweet..AT
Ballroom: Ghostclock..BL
Bloodclock Hunting..A5
Bonus Blast: The Roaring Twenties..U2
Byron's Library: Spines Without Pages..LB
Circus Mortus..E1
Cleaning Your Clock..U3
Columns Of Seth..E2
Conway Courtyard: Duck And Cover..CY
Darkling Attic: Atum's Nightfall..A3
Dining Room: Lingering Guests..DN
Egyptian Switches..WW
Elevator Shoes..W4
Gangster U: A Hardcover To Look Up..L1
Great Hall: Robert's Welcome..GH
Hargrove's Storeroom: Split Level..A1
Have a Ball..S3
Hedge Your Bets..H1
Hell's Kitchen: Chef's Night Out..KT
Hopscotch On The Rocks..W5
Losing Your Ka..A2
Lydia's Mummy Dearest..WC
Maids In The Shade..UW
Old Foundations: Tess's Secret Path..H3
Outer Patio: Invitation To Death..C1
Pleased To Meat You..K2
Pyramid Of Pain: Osiris Hunting..E3
Room Service 4 Tess..U4
Sewer Rats..S1
Tess's Lounge: Supporting Rolls..LG
Tess's Temple..EW
Tess's Room: Who Dunnit?..TR
Tommygun Garden: Don't Get Clipped..H2
Upper Hall: Flapper's Palace..UH

Winged vessels
After enabling cheat mode, enter a level select code followed by one or more of the following letters in the blank name box and press [A]. The game will start with the corresponding winged vessel. Example: Enter ""..ATABC"" to start at "Attic Memories: Short But Sweet" with 8x Damage, Invulnerable, and 200% Health vessels.

Winged vessel<CENTER>Code</CENTER>
8x Damage (gem 3 on right wing)<CENTER>A</CENTER>
Invulnerable (gem 10 on right wing)<CENTER>B</CENTER>
200% Health (gem 9 on right wing)<CENTER>C</CENTER>
Map Hazards (gem 6 on right wing)<CENTER>E</CENTER>
Auto Map (gem 4 on right wing)<CENTER>H</CENTER>
Invisibility (gem 7 on right wing)<CENTER>L</CENTER>
Map Secrets (gem 8 on right wing)<CENTER>M</CENTER>
Map Loot (gem 2 on right wing)<CENTER>N</CENTER>
Genocide Bomb (gem 1 on right wing)<CENTER>R</CENTER>
Unlimited Ammo (gem 5 on right wing)<CENTER>Y</CENTER>

After enabling cheat mode, enter a starting location code followed by one or more of the following numbers in the blank name box and press [A]. The game will start with the corresponding key. Example: Enter "..AT123" to start at "Attic Memories: Short But Sweet" with those three keys.

Gem 2 on left wing<CENTER>0</CENTER>
Gem 3 on left wing<CENTER>1</CENTER>
Gem 6 on left wing<CENTER>2</CENTER>
Gem 4 on left wing<CENTER>3</CENTER>
Gem 10 on left wing<CENTER>4</CENTER>
Gem 9 on left wing<CENTER>5</CENTER>
Gem 8 on left wing<CENTER>6</CENTER>
Gem 7 on left wing<CENTER>7</CENTER>
Gem 5 on left wing<CENTER>8</CENTER>
Gem 1 on left wing<CENTER>9</CENTER>

After enabling cheat mode, enter a starting location code followed by one or more of the following letters in the blank name box and press [A]. After the game begins, change guns to use the selected weapon. Example: Enter "..ATF" to start at "Attic Memories: Short But Sweet" with the Flame-thrower.

Double Pistol30 rounds<CENTER>D</CENTER>
Flame-thrower20 rounds<CENTER>F</CENTER>
Shotgun5 rounds<CENTER>S</CENTER>
Tommy gun30 rounds<CENTER>T</CENTER>

After enabling cheat mode, enter a starting location code followed by the letter [I] and press [A]. The game will start with the health display at 1%, which cannot increase or decrease. Example: Enter "..ATI" to start at "Attic Memories: Short But Sweet" with invincibility.

View coordinates
After enabling cheat mode, enter a starting location code followed by the letter [Q] and press [A]. The game will start with text describing the location of your character in the lower left corner of the screen. Example: Enter "..ATQ" to start at "Attic Memories: Short But Sweet" with coordinates displayed.

The coordinates are displayed as "USER: 000, 000, 000, 000, 000. The first number is the player's X (left to right) coordinate on the map. The third number is the players Y (up to down) coordinate on the map. The fourth number is the horizontal direction the player is facing from 0 to 255, with 0 being "East". The fifth number is the vertical direction (up and down) the player is looking.

100% health code
After enabling cheat mode, enter a starting location code followed by the letters [V] or [X] and press [A]. The game will start with your character's health at 100%. Example: Enter ..ATX to start at "Attic Memories: Short But Sweet" with full health.

75% health code
After enabling cheat mode, enter a starting location code followed by the letter [W] and press [A]. The game will start with your character's health at 75%. Example: Enter "..ATX" to start at "Attic Memories: Short But Sweet" with 75% health.

Code combinations
Each code type can be combined with others to start the game with a variety of options. For example, entry of "..ATI123ABCF" will start the game in "Attic Memories: Short But Sweet" with invincibility, three keys, three winged vessels, and the flame-thrower. Up to thirteen additional code letters or numbers may be entered after the location code.
Viewing current abilities
Before an ability is activated, choose the map view and press [B] + [C]. Use the D-Pad to scroll through the current abilities and display its name.

Using invisibility effectively
The invisibility special ability is useful in areas where the enemies are far from your character. Even with invisibility, enemies will be able to "hear" your character when close enough.

Finishing without keys
The game can be finished without getting all the keys. Keys are placed in different location based on difficulty level.

Angela's Gardens Of Secrets
The only thing you will be able to see on the map is the door to Byron's Library: Spines But No Pages. The rest of the garden areas are useless. Watch out for knifes in the bushes as well.

The door with the sharks on the left has a white spirit ball. The other door is a trap.

The next set of doors has items of all kinds:

The oak tree door has a shotgun clip and a green spirit ball on the right.

The bushy door has a gangster, and a teleportation spirit ball which leads to a trail of green and red spirit balls in a line.

There is a cross path in the middle of the path with three other paths.

The right side path goes to a teleportation spirit ball which leads to a flame thrower canister, a bullet cartridge, a shotgun cartridge, a small flame thrower canister, three shotgun clips, a green spirit ball, and a hidden door just ahead.

The left path has a line of red and green spirit balls.

The straight path has another teleportation spirit ball which takes you to another teleportation spirit ball.

The amphibian door has three white spirit balls.

The chicken door is a trap.
Cleaning Your Clock
On the upper left hand corner of the map. When you pass by the walk to Maids In The Shade.

Circus Mortus
From left to right:
At the bottom section the second and the fifth box have a secret door to a Recharge Winged Vessel.

The sixth box has a secret door.

On the top part of the area; in the fifth box is a secret path or use the forth room to access the door.
Cleaning Your Clock
The upper left hand corner of the map. When you pass by the walk to Maids In The Shade, there is a secret room up the stairs and just off that corner. Inside is a full life spirit ball and a recharge winged vessel. Be careful of the maid and fire ant inside.

Columns Of Seth
Coming in from Pyramid Of Pain: Osiris Hunting and/or the Ballroom: Ghostclock. The top edge room to the next area without going to the stairs. Go up to the top door. Go through the next room and you will see a stairway. Do not go through the stairs. Instead, go into the next room and a few steps inside that room has a hidden door but be careful of the hunter.

Egyptian Switches
The last switch on the right opens a door to a Recharge Winged Vessel and a full life spirit ball. The switch in the room closes the same door.

Have A Ball
There is a secret door in the large hall next to the inner path. That door has what resembles brown pipe on the door.

Hedge Your Bets
The door with the swords has a red spirit ball.

The door with the guns has three white spirit balls and a shotgun clip.

The multi- colored globe is a trap.

The clear globe has three gangsters, six bullet clips, a green spirit ball in the corner, and a white spirit ball on the front corner

The vessel boat has two white spirit balls and a shotgun cartridge.

The barrel door is a trap.
Hell's Kitchen: Chef's Night Out
There is a secret door is on the left room on the bottom which cuts to the bottom room.

Maids In The Shade
Where the red spirit balls are is a door. Instead of walking into it, there is a teleportation spirit ball behind you.

Old Foundations: Tess' Secret Path
The door with the snail doesn't have anything inside.

The door with the lobster is a trap.

The door with the jack- in- the- box is a trap.

The box car door is a trap but opens to another door to a teleportation spirit ball (watch for the chef knifes). This area has twenty five white spirit balls and five bullet clips in addition to a gangster. The teleportation spirit ball takes you back to the door with the snails.
Outer Patio: Invitation To Death
On the bottom part of the map is a rectangle box that opens to a green spirit ball and a bullet cartridge.

Parlor Games: 20 Ways To Die
When you reach to Robert's ghost, there is a door to the left from coming in from Hopscotch On The Rocks.

Pleased To Meat You
The small top room has a path which leads to a secret door to the upper path to Hell's Kitchen: Chef's Night Out and to the Parlor Games: 20 Ways To Die.

Pyramid Of Pain: Osiris Hunting
On the top portion of the map, there is a secret door when you come in from Tess' Temple or the Great Hall: Robert's Welcome. It is to the right between the main path and the right side door.

Tommygun Gardener: Don't Get Clipped
The door with the cake has three white spirit balls, two gangsters, another white spirit ball, a bullet clip, and teleportation spirit ball that leads to two white spirit balls, a shotgun clip, four white spirit balls, and two shotgun clips and a door that leads back into the maze.

Go back from where you started from the teleportation spirit ball but before you do. Keep straight for a green spirit ball and two white spirit balls.

The door with pillars shares the same path with the teleportation spirit ball.

The door with the rabbit has four bullet clips.

The door with the pickles is a trap.

The door with the soldiers has two gangsters, two white spirit, balls and a shotgun clip.
Room Service 4 Tess
In the beginning of the level, there are poles with teleportation spirit ball in between them. The second space leads to one of the treasure rooms. The third space leads to a door as well as the fourth space.

The Area of Attics
Note: Look at the map for this. On the left side is Bloodclock Hunting (the top), Darking Attic (the middle), and Attic Memories: Short But Sweet (the bottom). The right side of the attic has Time 2 Die (on the top), Attic Intro: Curse Of Mantincus (the middle), and Losing Your Ka (the bottom).

Glitch: Save game bug
The original release of this title may corrupt the save game. This occurs when the game is loading a new section of the mansion and your character moves back into the old section of the mansion and/or walks against one of the walls. Then, multicolored textured polygons may appear from random spots on the sides and top of the screen and stretch to the vanishing point in the center of the screen. These stretched polygons may even completely obscure the screen. If the game is saved while the polygon bug is in effect, it will be retained in the save game. Some corrupted save games may lock up the game when loaded.

If you stop moving when a new section of the mansion is being loaded, the bug will not occur. As an added precaution, use multiple saved games.

A corrected version of the game was released by The 3DO Company. Another solution to the problem is to use the option to fix the corrupted file available on the The 3DO Game Guru list of Killing Time items.

Glitch: Map
When you change into another part of the estate, press the [P] for the map. Press the [P]x2 for the actual percent of the area.

Glitch: Under invisibility
Enable the "Cheat mode" code. Select a location in addition to the "Invisibility Winged Vessel" (the letter "L"), then start the cheat mode game. You must use the Invisibility Winged Vessel before changing games. If you have saved games, then play that game. Look at your weapon. It is faded, but your opponents can still see you.

If you walk up on to another Recharge Winged Vessel and you have all of the vessels, waste them all one by one. Then, save your game after you have taken the Recharge Winged Vessel. Reload the game and the weapon you have should be faded. This trick works better than the other one because the saved games will error out.

Glitch: Level reference
In cheat mode, there is a level called "Byron's Library: Spines Without Pages". However, the level in the game is actually named "Byron's Library: Spines But No Pages".
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